Is It Normal To Be Sore After a Workout?



So, you’re thinking about diving into a new workout routine at Shred 27, but there’s that nagging question: Will I be sore after my first session?

The quick answer? If you’re new to working out, a little muscle soreness is totally normal. But don’t worry, a good coach will help you ease into the program so you don’t end up feeling like you’ve run a marathon on your first day.

The upside? As you get into the groove, your body will start adapting, and you won’t feel sore as often. It’s like your muscles are having a “been there, done that” moment.

Now, even the pros who’ve been at it for years can feel sore, especially when they shake things up—like trying a new exercise, lifting heavier, or pushing through more reps. But this kind of soreness isn’t something to fear; it’s just your body’s way of saying, “Hey, we’re stepping it up!”

There’s a lot of talk about extreme workouts leading to injuries or making you sick. Sure, it’s possible, but it’s rare—and it’s even rarer when you’ve got a skilled coach watching your back. A solid coach knows how to gauge your fitness level and will tailor your workout to make sure you’re progressing, not overdoing it.

So, what’s behind that muscle soreness, often called DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)? It’s all about those tiny tears in your muscles. Sounds scary, but it’s actually a good thing. This little bit of stress nudges your body to repair itself and come back stronger. If 10 squats leave you feeling sore today, your body’s going to adapt so that it might take 12 squats to get that same feeling next time.

At Shred 27, our coaches are pros at finding that sweet spot—pushing you just enough so your body adapts, but not so much that you’re out of commission for days. It’s all about balance: the right amount of challenge, paired with rest, recovery, and smart nutrition.

As you become more experienced, you’ll learn to recognize that a little bit of soreness is just part of the journey. And your coach will always be there, checking in, tweaking your program to make sure it’s spot on.

Eventually, you might hit a point where you don’t feel sore as often, and you’ll wonder, “Am I still working hard enough?” Here’s the deal: soreness isn’t the only sign of a good workout. You can be getting fitter without that post-workout ache.

Bottom line? Soreness is part of the process, but it’s not the whole story. A great coach will make sure your workouts are safe, effective, and tailored to you. As you get fitter, you might not feel sore as often, but when you do, it’ll be a sign that your body’s being challenged in just the right way.

Thinking about starting your fitness journey? Let’s chat. At Shred 27, we sit down with every new client to understand your goals and your history. We’ll answer your questions, guide you through your workouts, and keep you on track every step of the way.

Got more questions about muscle soreness or anything else fitness-related? Book a free consultation with us HERE.

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